3. The Greeks (Black-Scholes)
Below you will find all Greeks for the Black-Scholes-Merton model as formulas, code and descriptions.
Reference of all symbols that are used in the formulas:
= Asset price
= Strike price
= Time to maturity (in years)
= Risk-free rate
= Volatility
= Annual dividend yield
= Probability Density Function (PDF) of $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$
= Cumulative Density Function (CDF) of $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$
$d_1 = \frac{ln(\frac{S}{K}) + (r - q + \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2)T}{\sigma\sqrt{T}}$
$d_2 = d_1 - \sigma\sqrt{T}$
Vanilla Options
Vanilla options are the most common type of options. When people normally refer to a call or put option, they are referring to a vanilla option.
Symbol for Delta is $\Delta$
Unit: percentage in decimal form.
Rate of change in option price
with respect to the forward price (1st derivative).
Note that this is the forward delta.
For the spot delta, use spot_delta
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
$$e^{-qT}(\Phi(d_1) - 1)$$
Rate of change in option price
with respect to the forward price (1st derivative).
Note that this is the spot delta.
For the forward delta, use forward_delta
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
Spot Delta
$$e^{(r - q)T}\Phi(d_1)$$
Delta discounted for interest rates.
For the forward delta, use delta
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
39 40 41 42 43 44 |
$$e^{(r - q)T}(\Phi(d_1) - 1)$$
Delta discounted for interest rates.
For the forward delta, use delta
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
39 40 41 42 43 44 |
Symbol for Gamma is $\Gamma$
Unit: percentage in decimal form.
Rate of change in delta with respect to the underlying asset price (2nd derivative).
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 |
Symbol for Vega is $\mathcal{V}$
Unit: percentage (regular form).
Rate of change in option price with respect to the volatility of the asset.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
96 97 98 99 100 |
Symbol for Theta is $\Theta$
Unit: percentage in decimal form.
Theta value is annualized. To get the daily value, divide by 365.
$$-e^{-qT}\frac{S\phi(d_1)\sigma}{2\sqrt{T}} - rKe^{-rT}\Phi(d_2) + qSe^{-qT}\Phi(d_1)$$
Rate of change in option price with respect to time (i.e. time decay).
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 |
$$-e^{-qT}\frac{S\phi(d_1)\sigma}{2\sqrt{T}} + rKe^{-rT}\Phi(-d_2) - qSe^{-qT}\Phi(-d_1)$$
Rate of change in option price with respect to time (i.e. time decay).
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 |
Epsilon (psi)
Change in option price with respect to underlying dividend yield.
Also known as psi.
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
69 70 71 72 |
Change in option price with respect to underlying dividend yield.
Also known as psi.
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
70 71 72 73 |
Symbol for Rho is $\P$
Unit: percentage (regular form).
Rate of change in option price with respect to the risk-free rate.
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
63 64 65 66 67 |
Rate of change in option price with respect to the risk-free rate.
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
64 65 66 67 68 |
$$\Delta \frac{S}{V}$$
where $\Delta$
indicates the Delta Greek.
Percentage change in option value per % change in asset price. Also called gearing.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
123 124 125 126 127 |
$$\frac{\mathcal{V}}{S}\bigg[ 1-\frac{d_1}{\sigma\sqrt{T}} \bigg]$$
where $\mathcal{V}$
indicates the Vega Greek.
Sensitivity of delta with respect to change in volatility.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
129 130 131 |
$$qe^{-qT}\Phi(d_1) - e^{-qT}\phi(d_1) \frac{2(r-q)T - d_2\sigma\sqrt{T}}{2T\sigma\sqrt{T}}$$
Rate of change of delta over time (also known as delta decay).
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 |
$$-qe^{-qT}\Phi(-d_1) - e^{-qT}\phi(d_1) \frac{2(r-q)T - d_2\sigma\sqrt{T}}{2T\sigma\sqrt{T}}$$
Rate of change of delta over time (also known as delta decay).
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 |
$$\mathcal{V}\frac{d_1 d_2}{\sigma}$$
where $\mathcal{V}$
indicates the Vega Greek.
2nd order sensitivity to volatility.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
138 139 140 |
$$-Se^{-qT}\phi(d_1)\sqrt{T} \bigg[ q+\frac{(r-q)d_1}{\sigma\sqrt{T}} - \frac{1+d_1d_2}{2T} \bigg]$$
Rate of change in vega
with respect to time.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 |
$$e^{-rT} \frac{1}{K} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2T}} e^{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2 r} \bigg[ ln(\frac{K}{S}) - ((r - q) - \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2)T \bigg]^2}$$
2nd order partial derivative with respect to strike price.
Phi is used in the Breeden-Litzenberger formula.
Breeden-Litzenberger uses quoted option prices to estimate risk-neutral probabilities.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 |
$$-\frac{\Gamma}{S} \bigg( \frac{d_1}{\sigma\sqrt{T}} + 1 \bigg)$$
where $\Gamma$
is the Gamma Greek.
Rate of change in Gamma with respect to change in the underlying price.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
175 176 177 |
$$\Gamma \frac{d_1 d_2 - 1}{\sigma}$$
where $\Gamma$
is the Gamma Greek.
Rate of change of gamma with respect to changes in volatility.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
179 180 181 |
$$- e^{-qT}\frac{\phi(d_1)}{2ST\sigma\sqrt{T}} \bigg[2qr + 1 + \frac{2(r-q)T - d_2\sigma\sqrt{T}}{\sigma\sqrt{T}}d_1 \bigg]$$
Rate of change of gamma over time.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 |
$$\frac{-\mathcal{V}}{\sigma^2} \big[ d_1 d_2 (1 - d_1 d_2) + d_1^2 + d_2^2 \big]$$
where $\mathcal{V}$
indicates the Vega Greek.
Sensitivity of vomma with respect to change in volatility.
3rd order derivative of option value to volatility.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 |
Dual Delta
1st derivative in option price with respect to strike price.
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
46 47 48 49 50 |
1st derivative in option price with respect to strike price.
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
46 47 48 49 50 |
Dual Gamma
$$e^{-rT} \frac{\phi(d_2)}{K\sigma\sqrt{T}}$$
Rate of change in delta with respect to the strike price (2nd derivative).
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 |
Theta to gamma ratio. Also called "gamma rent". More info: "Dynamic Hedging" by Nassim Taleb, p. 178-181.
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
212 213 214 215 216 |
Binary Options
Binary options are also called exotic, digital or bet options.
Symbol for Delta is $\Delta$
Rate of change in option price with respect to the forward price (1st derivative). Note that this is the forward delta.
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
167 168 169 170 171 172 |
Rate of change in option price with respect to the underlying price (1st derivative).
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
157 158 159 160 161 |
Symbol for Gamma is $\Gamma$
$$\frac{\phi(d_1) (\frac{d_1}{T \sigma S} - \frac{1}{S^2})}{S \sigma \sqrt{T}}$$
Rate of change in delta with respect to the underlying price (2nd derivative).
Source code in src/blackscholes/base.py
639 640 641 642 643 |
Symbol for Vega is $\mathcal{V}$
Note that the Vega for the put is the negative of the Vega for the call. This is a peculiarity of binary options. For vanilla option the Vega for the put is the same as the Vega for the call, but not for the case of binary options.
$$S \sqrt{T} \phi(d_1) \frac{d_1}{\sigma}$$
Rate of change in option price with respect to the volatility (1st derivative).
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
174 175 176 177 178 |
$$- S \sqrt{T} \phi(d_1) \frac{d_1}{\sigma}$$
Rate of change in option price with respect to the volatility (1st derivative).
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
163 164 165 166 167 |
$$r K e^{-rT} \Phi(d_2) - \frac{S \phi(d_1) \sigma}{2 \sqrt{T}}$$
Rate of change in option price with respect to time (i.e. time decay).
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
180 181 182 183 184 |
$$- r K e^{-rT} \Phi(-d_2) - \frac{S \phi(d_1) \sigma}{2 \sqrt{T}}$$
Rate of change in option price with respect to time (i.e. time decay).
Source code in src/blackscholes/put.py
169 170 171 172 173 |
$$T K e^{-rT} \Phi(d_2)$$
Rate of change in option price with respect to the risk-free rate.
Source code in src/blackscholes/call.py
186 187 188 189 190 |
$$- T K e^{-rT} \Phi(-d_2)$$