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1. Quickstart

Ok, let's skip the fluff and get started.

0. Install the library

This library is tested for Python 3.10+.

pip install blackscholes

1. Define 5 inputs for computing Black Scholes:

S = 55.0  # Asset price
K = 50.0  # Strike price
T = 1.0  # 1 Year to maturity
r = 0.0025  # 0.25% Risk-free rate
sigma = 0.15  # 15% Volatility
q = 0.0  # 0% Annual Dividend Yield

2. Initialize class for call and/or puts

# 2. Initialize class for call and/or puts
from blackscholes import BlackScholesCall, BlackScholesPut
call = BlackScholesCall(S, K, T, r, sigma, q)
put = BlackScholesPut(S, K, T, r, sigma, q)

3. Get the attributes you want

# Fair str_method estimate
## 6.339408

call.get_core_greeks() # Dictionary with 5 most important Greeks
## {"delta": 0.766407808509462,
##  "gamma": 0.03712496688031454,
##  "vega": 16.84545372194272,
##  "theta": -1.3529415670754943,
##  "rho": 35.813015171916085,
## }

##  {"delta": 0.766407808509462,
##   "spot_delta": 0.7683262250522389,
##   "gamma": 0.03712496688031454,
##   "vega": 16.84545372194272,
##   "theta": -1.3529415670754943,
##   "epsilon": -42.15242946802041,
##   "rho": 35.813015171916085,
##   "lambda": 6.6492624553539255,
##   "vanna": -1.178299396409533,
##   "charm": 0.0832677717846717,
##   "vomma": 47.11869947977544,
##   "veta": 11.752499520643353,
##   "phi": 0.04492120992518061,
##   "speed": -0.003946801873134375,
##   "zomma": -0.14365691533482322,
##   "color": -0.011224141490466934,
##   "ultima": -827.4229433648609,
##   "dual_delta": 0.7162603034383217,
##   "dual_gamma": 0.0449212099251806,
##  }

call.get_itm_proxies() # Dictionary with in-the-money proxies
## {"naive_itm": 0.7180531943767934, "dual_delta": 0.7162603034383217}  # Get Delta Greek
## 0.766407808509462

4. (optional) Check "The Greeks (Black-Scholes)" section in docs to dive deeper